As a competitive programmer, I always want to find a solution to avoid copy-and-pasting my algorithm library so I can write more complex code lol.
Inspired by Egor’s rust bundler, I wondered is there something similar for C++? I remembered that I read this long time ago then I spent some time finding that blog but it’s not a bundler and looks quite complicated. In the comment someone mentioned using the cpp
command which does the preprocessing work. As you may know, #include
is basically copy-and-paste so this actually sounds right, but the problem is that it also copies and pastes the standard library which is over 200k+ lines of code. So I dug a bit further to see if it’s possible to skip system header and found this, but it only works for clang which what I’m using so I didn’t look for a solution for gcc.
The command is:
clang++ -I/your/path/to/library/ -E -P -nostdinc++ -nobuiltininc main.cpp > bundled.cpp
Only run the preprocessor-P
Disable linemarker output in -E mode-nostdinc++
Disable standard #include directories for the C++ standard library-nobuiltininc
Disable builtin #include directories (may not be needed)
As #include
of system header isn’t preserved, you can add the system headers using another command and I made a shell function to do that:
expand_cpp () {
clang++ -I/your/path/to/library/ -E -P -nostdinc++ -nobuiltininc $1 > bundled.cpp
gsed -i "1s/^/#include <bits\/stdc++.h>\n/" bundled.cpp