Yes, I switched my blog framework again…
Motivation #
I think it all started with that Nextjs is slow in building my blog. Also I’ve realized that I actually didn’t have any interactive components other than my search bar. Using all kinds of React component library felt bloated as well (Yes I got this type of OCD from using arch Linux). All of these made me feel that Astro would be my ultimate choice and it uses a similar syntax to JSX so migrating shouldn’t take too much time.
New Stuff #
Bootstrap #
I don’t actually use Bootstrap but adopted its dropdown component with a few CSS and JS.
Search #
It’s actually a lot easier than I thought without using component library.
Building index can be simply done with Static File Endpoints .
src/pages/[lang]/search.json.ts export const GET : APIRoute = async ( { params } ) => {
const lang = params . lang ;
const index = buildYourIndex ( lang ) ;
return Response . json ( index ) ;
} ;
// generate index for each language
export function getStaticPaths () {
return LANGS . map (( lang ) => ({ params : { lang } })) ;
In terms of UI, the Dialog HTML tag works very well out of the box, and with a framework (I used preact) you can get real-time search. The choice of search library is Fuse.js cuz you can include matches in the search result which makes highlighting very easy.
import { Search } from " lucide-preact " ;
import { useRef , useState , useEffect } from " preact/hooks " ;
import Fuse from " fuse.js " ;
import { FuseResult } from " fuse.js " ;
import { SearchIndexItem } from " src/types " ;
import SearchResult from " ./SearchResult " ;
import { LANGS } from " src/site-config " ;
function getBaseURL () {
return process . env . NODE_ENV === " production "
? " "
: " http://localhost:4321 " ;
const fuseOptions = {
includeMatches : true ,
minMatchCharLength : 2 ,
keys : [ " title " , " content " ] ,
} ;
const fuse = {} ;
for ( const lang of LANGS ) {
const index = await fetch ( ` ${ getBaseURL () } / ${ lang } /search.json ` ) . then (( res ) =>
res . json () ,
) ;
fuse [ lang ] = new Fuse ( index , fuseOptions ) ;
export default function SearchIcon ( { lang } ) {
const dialogRef = useRef < HTMLDialogElement > ( null ) ;
const [ results , setResults ] = useState < FuseResult < SearchIndexItem > [] > ([]) ;
useEffect (() => {
dialogRef . current . addEventListener ( " click " , ( e ) => {
if (( e . target as HTMLElement ) . nodeName === " DIALOG " ) {
dialogRef . current . close () ;
}) ;
}) ;
function toggleDialog () {
dialogRef . current . hasAttribute ( " open " )
? dialogRef . current . close ()
: dialogRef . current . showModal () ;
function doSearch ( search : string ) {
if ( ! search ) {
setResults ([]) ;
return ;
const res = fuse [ lang ] . search ( search ) ;
setResults ( res ) ;
return (
< button type = " button " className = " ml-4 sm:ml-6 " onClick = { toggleDialog } >
{ /* @ts-ignore */ }
< Search />
</ button >
< dialog
ref = { dialogRef }
className = " mx-w-3xl top-16 mb-0 mt-0 max-h-[90%] w-full overflow-y-auto rounded-md border-2 bg-background px-0 text-foreground shadow-lg backdrop:backdrop-blur "
< div className = " flex flex-row items-center px-3 " >
< div className = " mr-2 " >
{ /* @ts-ignore */ }
< Search />
</ div >
< input
placeholder = " Search blog posts... "
type = " search "
onInput = { ( e ) => {
doSearch (( e . target as HTMLInputElement ) . value ) ;
} }
className = " h-11 w-full bg-transparent py-3 text-foreground outline-none placeholder:text-muted-foreground "
</ div >
{ results . length > 0 && (
< div
id = " results "
role = " listbox "
className = " max-h-[35rem] overflow-y-auto px-2 py-1 [&_[aria-selected='true']]:bg-accent "
{ results . map (( result ) => (
< SearchResult result = { result } lang = { lang } />
)) }
</ div >
) }
</ dialog >
) ;